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Welcome to the Shared Practices Podcast


Nov 22, 2019

PUW 17

Practice Under Water | Mystery Guest “Tom” Part I

Don't Ride the High of New Practice Ownership


Tom acquired a practice last January. And it's tempting to sit back and enjoy the momentum. But George sees key factors that have been ignored: If Tom doesn't improve his new patient flow and keep his front desk accountable for reappointment rates, then his new acquisition will never be sustainable. Luckily, our guest Tom is an excellent clinician; excited to set himself up for the long game.


 Interested in 1-on-1 coaching?

  • Email or
  • Tell us about yourself, your business goals, where you are currently in your practice at and where you would like to be in the next year. 
  • Send us your information to see if we would be a good fit for you!

Get today's practice Practice By Numbers dashboard snapshot.


Would you like to be a guest on the show?

Copy and paste these questions on the email. 


Tell us: 

  1. About your practice: number of employees, their roles, your location, number of chairs, what procedures you obtain your income from
  2. Goals for your practice
  3. A vision where you would like your practice to be, where you would like to go
  4. Where do you believe you are falling short in your practice?
  5. How are you getting in your own way to success?
  6. Why isn’t the practice performing the way you would like?
  7. What would you like coaching for?


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