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Welcome to the Shared Practices Podcast


Sep 30, 2020

Ryan Isaac, CFP, Co-founder and Senior Advisor at Dentist Advisors Ryan Isaac joins Tyler and Payton. A fiduciary to his clients, he shares dental-specific advice: when you need a CPA or lawyer instead of a financial planner, balance and longevity, and why being comfortable with debt sets you up for longterm success.

Sep 28, 2020

"This is a bigger deal than I initially realized" - George

Real estate is one of the biggest limiters on your ability to grow. Richard and George open up a full conversation about real estate situations that may not seem impactful at first, but that become very important when you simply run out of square footage. Yes,...

Sep 25, 2020

Click Here to get today's Practice By Numbers dashboard snapshot.

As we learned last week, this "jumpstart" or "restart" practice is NOT the type that George or Matt would recommend buying. But since Laura got to live in the city she wants, George tells her exactly what *he* would do to make the most of this practice:...

Sep 23, 2020

Outdated practice, updated vision...During his first appearance with Matt on Practice Under Water, our guest Donald's first year of practice looked dismal. He went into practice ownership thinking he'd be happy as a solo. Well, he's back--with a new vision. The question of the day is: will his plans for a new practice...

Sep 21, 2020

George has had two distinct moments when he thought something along the lines of, "Oh my gosh, what did I get myself into?" The first was holding his son for the first time. The second? Walking into his practice as a 25-year-old who hadn't even technically graduated dental school. The clinical problems of his past are...