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Welcome to the Shared Practices Podcast


Jun 30, 2021

Today we slow down, zoom out, and get a holistic view of modern dentistry. Payton is solo today; comprehensively guiding us through what students can expect and why we're going where we're going.

Jun 28, 2021

As Richard deepens his practice ownership experience, his father and mentor Murray Low--longtime coach to executives around the world--joins him to discuss keeping team members and maintaining culture at scale.

Jun 25, 2021

To be an anonymous guest on Practice Under Water, contact

Matt and Alex introduce us to our 100th episode of Practice Under Water. When Suzanne gets into Patrick's metrics. He has two options: ignore his own success and risk hemorrhaging his amazing new patient flow, or: help secure the...

Jun 23, 2021

After noticing a consistent uptick in student listeners year over year, George, Payton, and Steven make this special--shareable--episode. We revisits podfather Richard's original hypothesis of the show: the best way to pay back your debt is to get into practice ownership. We talk empowering yourself, taking control of...

Jun 21, 2021

Having last been on the show on April 26th (episode 37), David Cohen returns and shares why seemingly good partnerships sometimes crash and burn, how to filter personality types before going into a partnership, and why being willing to walk away from a deal is a super power.
