Sep 29, 2021
Longtime listeners and bingers get hooked on Shared Practices
from Season 2 on valuation. While our early seasons withstand the
test of time, Steven and Andrew help refine the focus of valuation
as we learn: Evaluation > Valuation. Every time.
Sep 27, 2021
What are the only two things that drive a practice? What are you wasting your resources on that are not those two drivers? Matt and Alex lay out the common setbacks of practice growth--and how to bypass them.
Sep 24, 2021
To be an anonymous guest on Practice Under Water, contact
Alex presents a sneak peak into some of the coursework we offer. In the second portion of Richard's interview with Morgan from Provide (formerly Lendeavor) we get nitty gritty. Grab a pad and paper, rewind, pause, and soak this in. How...
Sep 22, 2021
"Jordan" found a five-operatory, solo-doc practice in an ideal area. With it not being a fixer-upper, and it collecting $900k, it's ticking all the boxes for him. But Dr. Matt Ford reigns him in and talks about seller financing, how to keep a fire under your lender so they give you what you want, and when to just go...
Sep 20, 2021
Richard welcomes back Dr. Megan Timm. In today's Brain Trust roundtable, Megan shares why she knew she was going to be an owner right out of school, how she found her current practice(s), and why hygiene openings are her absolute best friend.