Aug 25, 2017
Hunter is back! This week he takes us through two real practice purchase opportunities. We go in depth as Hunter explains his four-step practice evaluation process. We look at real numbers of two very different practices in order to determine a valuation range, find opportunities for practice growth and uncover red...
Aug 18, 2017
This week we interview Ike Urling, a fourth year dental student at MWU. Ike shares with us his journey to finding an amazing off market practice in one of the most saturated areas of Arizona. Ike used methods that Jordan Thomas discusses in episode 2-21 to find his ideal practice. He also delves into a crucial aspect of...
Aug 11, 2017
Welcome to another episode of the Shared Practices Podcast! This week we’re sharing a conversation we had a with a young doc from N.C., Dr. Jordan Thomas. We dive deep into Jordan’s fascinating story of acquiring a practice immediately after graduating this summer. He gives us a lot of great tips and insight on his...
Aug 4, 2017
Welcome to another episode of the Shared Practices Podcast! We had a great interview this week with Dr. Justin Short, a dentist from the St. Louis area and owner of The Lifestyle Practice - a consulting and education company that helps you define and achieve your perfect lifestyle. We’re taking a break this week from...